The Buzz
Mark Williamson
Local GuideĀ·21 reviews
3 months ago
Look, I'm the Dude who "Puts Hot Sauce on His Hot Sauce" from Virginia visiting family in Syracuse. I had the pleasure and enjoyment of meeting Andy and Heather this past weekend and try All of their Sauces. Simply put, Outstanding Flavor hits your tastebuds from sampling each sauce, including the Hotter selections. One of their newer flavors, Pumpkin, was great and very unique. I can't wait to use it on various vegetables and soups. Each of the sauces can definitely enhance the eating enjoyment of a variety of meals. Andy and Heather are creating sauces with flavor and varying heat levels to appeal to all but nothing too hot just to be hot. I love the Tremors you starting in the Hot Sauce world. Great job! I look forward to all 6 Sauces I bought from you.
To all others seeking flavor with heat,
discover your favorite Earthquake Sauce, find that Fault line in your food and sauce it, then get ready for the shaking of your tastebuds to a rector scale rating of "Wow"!